Monday, April 4, 2011

We Finally Made It!

Last Saturday my mom & I finally made it to the Marina Landfill...What? You don't hang out in landfills?? This is weird?

Well, OK, we weren't technically hanging out in the landfill...we were at the "Last Chance Mercantile"

Inside this building are things that people have thrown out even though they still have potential or possible use...This building is literally the "last chance" to get a hold of the light fixture you were looking for or a paint can full of discarded, but still colorful paint. People through out anything these days...

I found a light fixture on this shelf that I would have loved to bring home, but I just don't have a place to hang it...

so much potential..oh, well...I hope someone took it home..It was only $8.50.

The Last Chance is basically a big warehouse with a section for lighting, housewares, paint, furniture, home decor, anything...

I almost came home with these frames, but something about buying someone's old wedding pictures creeped me out a bit...I don't need the kind of karma that would come with throwing wedding pictures away...(and now you know I'm a bit superstitious...) Anyhow, this place is full of stuff...

and then there is the outside...

Row after row of old couches...

Random furniture

Chairs Galore...

I wanted one both of these old wire spools...wouldn't they make great outdoor patio furniture? Maybe after we clean up our backyard and after I convince the husband that old spools are not junk (that'll be the tricky part)

Here are two more things that almost came home with me..if only my house was bigger

Can't you just picture this chair with a cute printed fabric..I can!

This coffee table had a drawer on both sides

maybe its a good thing that its

The only downfall I see to this place is that they store a lot of stuff outside, in the elements. Some of their items are falling apart because of that. Its a shame really because they had some interesting pieces that were just too weathered.

I;m not sure how often they get "new" merchandise, but as I was walking out, these beauties were just put out front..

They were only $10 each..a steal! If only, if only...

So I ended up buying a couple plates for a project to be posted about later...

Mom & I had a great time "thriftying" together...after the Last Chance Mercantile we popped over to a few thrift stores & ended up with a few purchases, but nothing big enough to worry our husbands (they had both asked us to please, pretty please not buy any

Of course they wouldn't know a treasure from junk if it bit them in the...well, you know what I mean...

So if you're in the area visit the Last Chance Mercantile...if you're not in the area, where do you go??

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