Monday, April 30, 2012

Reformed Monday-Hater

Hi all...

Well it's that time again... Can you believe sometimes I actually can't wait til Monday! Big change for this Monday-hating girl!!

So anyway.. Its weigh in day. I'm happy to announce that I weighed in 2.4 pounds lighter this week... Yay me!!! :0)

(more YAY!!s go out to my "myfitnesspal" friends Sara & Maribel for also weighing in lighter this week.. Good job girls)

We've been workin' hard. Right, ladies?

When I first started going to the gym before work I literally had to convince myself it was a good idea.

Now it's become routine.. Don't get me wrong, I still have days when I really would rather stay in bed for that extra hour, but they are few and far between.

The hardest part is starting. Dragging your butt out of the house & into the gym that first week is almost painful but so worth it.

If I can do this, anyone can. It's about breaking old habits & making positive changes...

What kind of positive changes you are making??

Have a great week!



Here's my morning breakfast recipe. I have this every morning & have yet to get sick of it :0)

1/2 cup Light Plain Yogurt
1/2 cup Frozen Mixed Berries
1 small/medium apple

Chop up apple & mix with fruit & yogurt

I prep the fruit & yogurt at night & then chop the apple up right before eating it the next morning. It's so yummy & only around 120 Calories (depending on the size & kind of apple).


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